Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The English Renaissance Theatres, Stages, and...

The English Renaissance Theatre was also known as the Early Modern English Theatre or Elizabethan Theatre. It occurred during the Reformation and 1642 when they were discontinued. There were many types of plays ranging from mystery, tragedy, masques to morality most had a biblical themes. Soon came the establishment of permanent theatres after plays were forbidden in 1572 in an effort to contain the spread of the plague. With the construction of permanent theatres came regular performances as well as well known playwrights many of whom were well educated but some were not. This brought forth William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Johnson.†¦show more content†¦They were no longer built without a roof but more like today’s theatres than an outdoor stadium. â€Å"notably the Whitefriars (1608) and the Cockpit (1617). With the building of the Salisbury Court Theatre in 1629 near the site of the defunct Whitefriars, the London audience had six theaters to choos e from: three surviving large open-air public theaters, the Globe, the Fortune, and the Red Bull, and three smaller enclosed private theaters, the Blackfriars, the Cockpit, and the Salisbury Court. (Other private theaters of the era included the theater near St Pauls Cathedral used by the Children of Pauls and the occasionally-used Cockpit-in-Court.) (New World Encyclopedia).† Many were built to hold anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 spectators. The set mostly remained unchanged for most of the dramas but much investment was made in the costumes for the actors. They performed the same act two or more days per week and performed six days out of the week. Playwrights___________________________________________________________________ Playwrights were over worked and underpaid many had to supplement their earnings by acting. 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